
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers’ special and experienced writings

Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Dear readers! Do not be miser, if you have ever tried any spiritual or physical tip and got its benefits, or you encountered or heard some surprising incident; Ubqari pages are there for you to share it. Do not consider even your minor experience to be useless, may be it proves to be a solution for someone’s problem and sadqah jaariyah for you! Right on one side of the paper and does not matter if you cannot right very well, we will amend your writings ourselves.

Aloe Vera and fodder (animal food); a treatment for many diseases:

(Syed Khalid Husain, Lahore)

Some time ago my mother fell down from the height of almost 12feet while getting down from a wooden ladder and her back bone joints were squeezed, she was suffering from kidney infection due to severe injuries on muscles and kidneys. I consulted two different kidney specialists and orthopedists, also consulted an expert surgeon who is an active participant of social welfare activities in and outside the country, he said that due to over age there are complexities in the operation so my mother had to use medicines throughout her life. For ease of walking, a butter fly jacket will have to be made from Mayo hospital, so we started the treatment. During those days I went somewhere for my own treatment, Respected (Hakim Sahib) Tariq Mehmood also came there. I was worried because of my illness. Hakim Sahib himself turned to me and told me a tip from his book, “Shafi dwain, Shafi ilaj” (which I bought from Ubqari office) because of which I recovered from my years old disease in a few days. I still use the Aloe Vera prescription in this book on page 98 for my mother which is a matchless treatment for backache, arthritis and for diabetes as well. To my mother I gave minced meat and Aloe Vera curry and fodder! (food for animals like buffalo, goat and horse etc…) cooked with mutton on alternate days for three continuous months along with doctor’s medicine. After three months when the doctor examined my mother he was happily surprised over my mother’s recovery…her pain was completely over and she could walk easily without the jacket. The doctor suggested stopping all the medicine except only one. With the blessing of Allah the same year she performed Hajj walking on her own and after three years she went again to perform Hajj for my late father.

I still give that medicine to my mother every winter but I give Aloe Vera mixed with milk instead of cooking it with minced meat.

Prescription No:1

 Aloe Vera pulp: 2 table spoons

Milk: half kg

Small Cardamom: 2

White Cumin seed: one pinch

Shake the above mentioned ingredients well in the shaker and boil on low heat. When one cup milk is left, drink it hot in the winter and in the summer season cook it more till it becomes a thick kheer and eat in the breakfast. Along with this, eat fodder curry, following is the recipe:

Prescription No 2: Cut the fodder like fenugreek and cook it with mutton and black pepper. Fodder is found in two types and it grows in winter season. According to agricultural experts if people come to know the benefits of fodder, they would stop giving it to the animals. Buffaloes, goats and horses eat fodder in winter season and become healthy, their milk increases and they get energy for the whole year which is utilized in hot weather. It makes the body healthier and stronger and strengthens the muscles.    

A very effective prescription for infertility:

(Nasreen Din Mohammad)

Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum!

I was infertile for last twelve years and had tried many tips, medicines and practices but of no use. I was so disappointed that I allowed my husband for second marriage. A lady who lived in Karachi saw a saint in her dream, who asked her to give his message to (me) Nasreen Bint-e-Deen Mohammad, who lived in her parents’ neighborhood at Gojra that she would meet a dervish in Karachi. She found me and gave this message, and it really happened that when I went to Karachi, I met a holy man there who was very pious and well-conducted. He told me to recite a Durud Sharif all the time (it is written in the end of the letter). Those were the dates for my menstrual periods but when I came back from there, I was not feeling well and also missed my periods. Everyone said that it was due to depression. After a few days when I was crying over some one’s death, a lady asked me the reason for crying, I told her about my infertility. She gave me this practice in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak and in the next 15th of Ramadan I had my first baby! Now I have two sons, my elder son Usman is a diploma holder, who also delivers speech in the Masjid and my younger son is civil engineer. Both are very obedient and pious and have true beards. For the first time I could not believe till the birth of my elder son, two other families have also benefitted from this practice and it would be my good fortune if this practice is helpful in lightning up some other families with the blessing of children.

Following are the spiritual and medical practices:

Half an hour before Fajar prayer, perform two raka’hs Nafal (haajat) prayers. In the first and second raka’h recite Surah Ikhlas three times (after Surah Fateha) and after finishing the prayer, recite Durud-e-Ibrahimi one time and any other Durud Sharif for 11 times, after this recite the following tasbeeh for hundred times:

“Ya Raheem, Ya Kareem, Ya Allah for the sake of beloved Mohammad (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam)”.

Recite Durud Sharif 11 times in the end and then pray to Allah humbly and earnestly. Continue performing the Nawafil regularly and do not leave until your prayer is accepted.

I was infertile for the last 12 years and conceived within three months after I started performing these Nawafil, to me it was so unbelievable that I can’t describe. I got and started this practice in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak and on 15th of the next Ramadan Allah blessed me with pious and righteous son. It so much strengthened my belief in Tahajjud Nawafil that I kept performing in routine for 16 to 17 years.

Along with this, I took the following medicine which the dervish told me:

Prescription No: 1

Fennel (an aromatic plant with yellow flowers): sixteenth part of a seer

Anise seed: sixteenth part of a seer

Sugar: sixteenth part of a seer

Rose petals: half of the fourth part of seer

Clean and mix all the above mentioned ingredients and grind them well, eat one pinch after every meal and if by mistake someone eats it with empty stomach, do not take meal until feels extreme hunger.

Prescription No: 2

This prescription is not suitable for high blood pressure patients.

Black sesame seeds: half of the quarter of a seer

Sugar: half of the quarter of a seer

Water: more than a quarter seer

White cumin seed: sixteenth part of a seer

Mix and cook all these ingredients well also add Aab-e-Zam Zam if available, eat only on the first day of menstrual periods. It’s not a must to finish all of it, eat a little bit or as much as you can, you will bear the fruit in the very first month otherwise repeat this practice continuously for three months and keep reciting the Nawafil as well. Daughter in law ate it then mother in law ate and threw the remaining part to the animal, Allah blessed all three of them with children. The daughter in law said that she could not eat, her mother in law said that it’s not so difficult, look I can eat it (they were simple rural people; Allah blessed the mother in law with baby after fourteen years).

Following is the Durud Sharif which the dervish in Karachi told me and I keep reciting it all the time:

اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی سَیِّدِنَا وَمَوْلَانَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلیٰ آلِ سَیِّدِنَا وَ مَوْلَانَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَّاَصْحَابِ سَیِّدِنَا وَمَوْلَانَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَّبَارِکْ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَیْہ۔

“Allahuma Sall e Alaa Sayyedina wa Maulana Mohammadin wa Alaa Aal e Sayyedina wa Maulana Mohammadin wa Ashaab e Sayyedina wa Maulana Mohammadin wa Baarik wa Sallim Alayh”.

And the following prayer which I keep reciting every time, Allah blessed the other families with sons who recited it:

رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِیْ فَرْدًا وَّ اَنْتَ خَیْرُ الْوٰرِثِیْنَ

“Rabbi La Tazarni Fardiaun wa antaa Kher ul Waariseen” (Surah Al anbiya89) 

Prophet’s advice for getting up happy and healthy in the morning:

(Mohammad Tahir Sardar, Peshawer)

Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum!

I am a regular reader of Ubqari magazine, I also download and listen to your dars on internet and try my best to act upon what I learn from it. I want to share my tested practice so that others can also gain its benefits. I have read the following Hadith in many books and have heard it from scholars as well. This practice is performed by students in many Dar-ul-Uloom (universities) and they get benefit from it. I am describing that practice (according to Hadith) in the following:

(It’s an acceptation of Hadith)

Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Anhum) had to do so much hard work at home that she had blisters on her hands. Seeing her pain Hazrat Ali (Razi Allah Anha) said to her that female slaves often come to her father Hazrat Mohammad (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam) why does not she ask him (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam) to give her one female slave to serve her. Hazrat Fatima went to Hazrat Mohammad’s (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam)PBUH home to ask him for this but Hazrat Mohammad (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam) was busy and she went back without talking to him (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam)PBUH, over this he thought that Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Anhum) came and went back without seeing him? He went to her home and asked her, Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Anhum) did not say anything but Harat Ali (Razi Allah Anha)told Hazrat Mohammad (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam) that he sent Hazrat Fatima to him(Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam)PBUH to ask for a female slave for help in domestic tasks. Over this Hazrat Mohammad (Sal Allahu Alay hi Wasallam)PBUH said to Hazrat Fatima-tu-Zahra (Razi Allah Anhum) that why do not I tell you a practice which is better than keeping a salve? He told her to recite   سبحان اللہ‘  Subhan Allah 33 times,  الحمدللہ Alahamdulillah 33times and اللہ اکبر Allahu Akbar 34 times before sleeping and blow upon herself doing so, her tiredness would be removed.

Due to being attributed to Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Anhum), this practice is called Tasbeehat e Fatima. After all the hard labor of the day, if someone recites these Tasbeehat before sleeping in the night and blows upon himself, Insha’Allah in the morning he would get up feeling healthy and light like a flower. Many students perform this practice and I also have been doing it for years.

The best practice to get rid of debts:

If someone is indebted and it has become hard for him to pay it off, he should recite Surah Alnasr forty one times (with Durud Sharif three times before and after) regularly after the Fajar prayer. Insha’Allah it would become easier for him to pay off the debts.

For profit in business or increment in the pay:

It’s every business man’s desire that his business flourishes well. Those who do jobs also want to progress. Our Holy Book Quran Majeed gives us a solution for this that those who want progress in the above mentioned matters should recite “Bismillah Hirrehman nirraheem” ِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم  hundred times regularly after every prayer. Insha’Allah the income will increase and any other heart desire will also be fulfilled. Must perform this practice and get the benefits.

For urinary obstructions and irregularities:

If someone is suffering from urinary obstructions and irregularities, perform ablution and recite any Durud S harif 11 times, Surah Ikhlas 11 times and Durud Sharif 11 times, blow it on water and save it in a bottle. The patient should drink only this water throughout the day, keep repeating this practice every morning also blow on the patient. Must try it Insha’Allah the patient will feel comfort and his urinary irregularities will be removed.

A special Istekhara:

After Isha prayer, wear neat and clean dress and lay on your right side facing the Qibla on a clean bed and recite the following Surahs in the same sequence: Surah Shams 7 times, Surah Layl 7 times, Surah Ikhlas 7 times and Surah Wat’teen 7 times. After this pray humbly to Allah to indicate you in dream and bless you with openness of mind to understand. Insha’Allah, Allah will help you and guide you in the right direction. It has been tested by many people.

(Banda e Khuda, Wahcanntt) 

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